Gayil Nalls


Nalls, Gayil. “POISON: Coming to Our Senses.” Paradise Paradoxe. Zurich: Edition Patrick Frey, 2016. Print.

Nalls, Gayil. “The Sensuous Immortal.” Rendezvous with the Sensuous: Readings on Aesthetics. Ed. Linda Ardito, John Murungi. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 206-230. Print.

Nalls, Gayil. “Human Flashmobs: An Evolutionary Construct.” The Society for Social Neuroscience. Hilton Riverside Hotel, New Orleans. Oct. 12 2012. Poster presentation.

Nalls, Gayil. “The Importance of Natural Olfactory Stimulation on the Perception of Well-Being and Happiness.” Linking Affect to Action: Critical Contributions of the Orbitofrontal Cortex. Ed. G. Schoenbaum, J.A. Gottfried, E.A. Murray, S.J. Ramus. New York: Academy of Sciences, 2007. 676.

Nalls, Gayil. World Sensorium: The Theory, Practice and Significance of the World Social Olfactory Sculpture. Diss. University of East London, 2007. British Library. Print.

Nalls, Gayil. Permutatude: Adjust to the Great Evolutionary Forces of Change or be Destroyed in the Upheavals. Catalogue. New York: Philippe Staib Gallery, 1992. Print.


Nalls, Gayil. “Proustian Memory: Was It Really a Madeleine Tea Cake? Emblem of Olfactory Memory Called into Question.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Apr. 15 2016. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “The Man Who Changed How Artists and Scientists Work Together.” Nautilus. Mar. 3 2016. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “This Astrobiologist is Collecting Unrecognizable Beings From the Stratosphere.” Nautilus. Mar. 2016. 18. Print. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “An Interview with Susan Firestone: The Artist and Art Therapist Discusses Female Identity, Trauma, and her Art.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Dec. 4 2015. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Do Social Odors Build Cities? New Research Sheds Light on the Reach of ancient sensory system.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Oct. 2 2015. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “An Appetite for Innovation.” Nautilus. Sep. 24 2015. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Rachel Sussman: Ancient Living Things and Deep Time.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Jun. 18 2015. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “International Pillow Fight Day, April 4th, 2015.” The Massing Lab. Apr. 8 2015. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Mario Livio on 25 Years of Hubble.” Nautilus. Feb. 26 2015. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “The New Pleasure Principle: GPS-enabled Sex with Strangers.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Feb. 17 2015. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Can Science Tell Us What Beauty is?” Nautilus. Jan. 29 2015. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “25 Years After the Fall.” The Massing Lab. Nov. 12, 2014. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Cynthia Pannucci: Probing the Common Ground of Art and Science.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Nov. 4 2014. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Tobias Stretch: Biochemical Realism.” The Massing Lab. Oct. 22 2014. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Howard Altmann: Three Poems.” The Massing Lab. Oct. 22 2014. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Where’d the Nose Go? Your Sense of Smell and how to Protect it.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Aug. 12 2014. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Smell, Taste, and Sight in Space: Effects of Space Travel on the Senses.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Jul. 22 2014. Web.,%20Sensoria%20November%204.

Nalls, Gayil. “Do We Need to Make Science Social? An Interview with Dr. Carlos PŽrez Garc’a-Pando.” Sensoria. Psychology Today Jun. 26 2014. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “The Global Call to Action: Religious Institutions Addressing the Common Dangers we Face.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Jun. 4. 2014. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “The Resilience Meme: Work-shopping the Science of Global Survival.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. May 28 2014. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Outside Looking In: Better to Die than Live in Sleep.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Mar. 28 2014. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “John Bahcall and the Hubble Telescope: Bringing the Universe Home.” Nautilus. Mar. 6 2014. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Searching for the Science of Self: An Interview with Author Jennifer Ouellette.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Jan. 14 2014. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Unlikely Things Found in Babies and on Mountain Tops: Chemical Pollutants, Children, the Environment, our Future.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Dec. 17 2013. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Birds Do It, Bees Do It: Animals Use Smell to Code Messages.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Oct. 22 2013. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “How Animals Use Smell to Send Coded Messages.” Nautilus. Oct. 21 2013. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Philanthropy and the One Percent: Reckoning with the Conspicuous Philanthropic Acts of the Wealthy.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Oct. 1 2013. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Imagine the Early You as a Sperm, Swimming Your Way to Fame.” Nautilus. Sept. 24 2013. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Noses Vary Inside and Out: What Historical Art of Painted Noses Tell Us about Olfaction.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Aug. 10 2013. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Ideas, National Security, and America’s Psyche: Thoughts for the Fourth.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Jul. 3 2013.

Nalls, Gayil. “Who Owns Your Identity?” Nautilus. Jun. 5 2013. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Rain Room: Art with Control Issue: What if You Could Play in the Rain and not get Wet?’ Sensoria. Psychology Today. May 29 2013. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “What Would Socrates Do? He Would Have Fired School Security Guards in Order to Hire Art Teachers, Too.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. May 9 2013. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Keith Richards & the Smell Lifecycle of Parental Attachment Why Snorting Dad isn't Too Strange.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Mar. 22 2013. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Incense: Smelling Nature from Plant-Derived Smoke.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Dec. 12 2012. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Last Call for the Gulf Study: The Largest Study of its Kind.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Oct. 11 2012. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “When the Shrink’s Away...Don’t Be Freaked Out. Do What Executives do—Skype!” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Sep. 11 2012. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Flashmob Robins: Are Flashmobs a Construct of Evolutionary Biology?’ Sensoria. Psychology Today. May 9 2012. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “You Stink! Smell and Politics: Smell is also a Political Phenomenon.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Feb. 8 2012. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Art: Moving Us from Pain to Pleasure.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Nov. 1 2011. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Is Occupy Part of the Solution? Today People are Calling for Change, Transparency and Accountability.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Oct. 20 2011. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Over-marketing or Over-marking: Is it Both? How do we as Individuals Want to be Remembered?” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Jul. 18 2011. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “oo-MOM-ee: Slowing Down Fast Food.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Mar. 29 2011. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Jasmine: The Smell of Revolution—Unconscious, Invisible, Inaudible Anthems Of Group Mind.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Mar 4 2011. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Fresh Food as a Muse for Visionary Gardeners: Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Buildings for Increased Well Being.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Feb. 22 2011. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “What Can We Do About the Rise of Hunger and Unrest? How to Feed the Near 8 Billion People on Earth?” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Jan. 25 2011. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “WORLD SENSORIUM: The World Olfactory Social Sculpture Art's Real Value - Vitality, Emotion and Power Stimulated in the Mind.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Jan. 5 2011. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Re-Made in America: FLIP— Fashion Lab in Process.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Oct. 4 2010. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Fashioning a Socially Responsible Society: Eco-fashion Couture Culture.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Sep. 26 2010. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “High Fashion Has A New Mantra— Summon the Masses: Fashion Corporations Keep "The Masses" Consuming.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Aug. 30 2010. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Olfactory Art: A New Genre.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Sep. 23 2010. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Olfaction and Conception: Human Sperm Smell its Way to the Egg.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Jul. 22 2010. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Dating, Mating and Olfaction: Little Known Side Effects of Hormone-Based Birth Control.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Jul. 15 2010. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “Power of Place / Power of Art: Awakening a Primal Bond.” Sensoria. Psychology Today. Jul. 9 2010. Web.

Nalls, Gayil. “World Sensorium, The World As One.” ChildArt Magazine. Mar. 2002.